Company Logo Services from 18" to 120".
Prices are listed up to 36" Single and Double Layer Signs.
Triple Layer also available, use call us to discuss at 226-784-9886
We will also need Vector or AutoCad art work for your company logo in order to produce it in metal for you.
remember Please NO Licensed Logos are allowed by copyright laws.
Once ordered a designer will be in touch with you to start your design.
Stand offs if required are available for an additional fee and can be requested after the fact.
These can be stainless steel standoffs that bolt to the biding/wall and have a stainless steel front cap or we also offer blind standoff mounting as so you do not see the standoffs.
All Metal Art orders will be Proofed first via email and once approved will be put to production. from start to finish Orders usually take from 7-10 business days.